SCE Quick Start Skip to main content
SCE Documentation

SCE Quick Start

This guide will walk you through the basic steps of getting a SCE program up and running on your machine. Start a 3 minute timer, and let's get started*.

  1. Open Visual Studio and start a new project by selecting "File > New > Project" (control-shift-N). Select "ASP.NET Web Application (.NET Framework)," give it a name, make sure that both checkboxes under "Browse" are checked ("Create a directory for solution" and "Create a new Git repository") and Framework is 4.7.1 then click "OK".
  2. SCE works best with the MVC or WebAPI templates. Make sure that Authentication is set to "No Authentication" (SCE will set that up for you!) and click OK.
  3. In the Package Manager Console window (typically at the bottom of your screen, or in "Tools > NuGet Package Manager > Package Manager Console"), make sure that your package source is set to "All" or "FHSS Nuget"** then execute the command "Install-Package Byu.Fhss.Sce."
  4. If you used Mange Nuget packages: then click on the gear and add a new package sorce: ""
  5. If prompted about overwriting files, respond with an 'A' (Overwrite all conflicts. This will install SCE templates over the default Visual Studio ones).
  6. Start your website***, stop your timer. That's all.

*This guide assumes you have Visual Studio 2017 installed and configured on your machine and that your framework version is 4.7.1. If it isn't, or you don't have Visual Studio 2017 installed, stop the timer and get it here. Make sure to include the "ASP.NET and web development" Workload when you install.

**If you don't know what that is, pause your timer and visit FHSS Nuget Documentation.

***SCE forces an https connection, so you must add an https binding to IIS.