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List Manager Plugin

Adding a list

  1. Sign into site. Go to the Admin/Editor menu and select “List Manager”.
  2. On the list manager page, click “Add List”. A prompt will appear asking for a list name. Enter the name for your list and click “Ok”. If a blank list name is entered, you will be asked to enter a valid list name.

Edit a list

  1. Sign into site. Go to the Admin/Editor menu and select “List Manager”.
  2. In the list manager, each list will be shown on a table with options to edit or delete the list. To edit the list go to the table row where the list to edit is shown and click the “Edit” button.
  3. An edit page will appear with fields for field/column name, description, and type. To edit these items simply change the values of those fields. Below the fields, you can add a field and edit the permissions on a list. Don’t use the back button to return to the lists as this may not save all of your data. Instead use the button provided called “Return to lists”. This will automatically save any changes you made to the list.
  4. In addition to the options to editing the many fields/columns in the list, you may also change the list permissions below the fields. These permissions edit what anybody can view. For example giving anybody the ability to add a list item will allow any user on the site to add an item to your list. This can be helpful for lists such as an application.

View List

  1. Sign into site. Go to the Admin/Editor menu and select “List Manager”.
  2. Select the name of the list you wish to view. All list items should show up, next to each list item you can view, edit, or delete the list item. NOTE: Some options may not show up if permissions are restricted, those can be changed in the list settings.
  3. To sort the list alphabetically or numerically click on the field name once to sort it in ascending mode (a to z) or twice for descending (z to a). An icon will appear next to the field being sorted. To search the list, simply type in the word or phrase to search (NOTE: this searches all fields).

Add a list item

  1. Sign into site. Go to the Admin/Editor menu and select “List Manager”.
  2. Adding a list item is easy. In the list manager, click on the name of the list you want to add an item to. Click on “Add Item”, the add item page will appear where you input the data you wish to add then click “Save”.
  3. The link to add a list item outside of the list manager, the url is “javascript:addListItem(listname);”.

Edit a list item

  1. Sign into site. Go to the Admin/Editor menu and select “List Manager”.
  2. In the list manager, click on the name of the list you want to edit an item on. Find the list item which you want to edit (NOTE: the list can be filtered by clicking a field name and searched via text box to find the list item quicker). Once the list item is found click on the “Edit” button with the associated item.
  3. The edit item page will appear where you can edit the data, once your changes are finished click “Save”.

Delete a list item

  1. Sign into site. Go to the Admin/Editor menu and select “List Manager”.
  2. In the list manager, click on the name of the list you want to delete an item on. Find the list item which you want to delete (NOTE: the list can be filtered by clicking a field name and searched via text box to find the list item quicker). Once the list item is found click on the “Delete” button with the associated item.
  3. A confirmation window will appear, click “Ok” to continue.

Delete list

  1. Sign into site. Go to the Admin/Editor menu and select “List Manager”.
  2. On the list manager page, find the list you want to delete (NOTE: this cannot be undone) and click “Delete”.
  3. A confirmation window will appear, confirm that you want to delete the selected list.