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SCE Documentation

Manage Pages

Managing your pages is simple. To view all pages on your site click on the Admin menu and click "Page Manager".

Edit Content

In the page manager, every page on your website is displayed, to edit the content on a page, simply click on the page name and edit the content as normal.

Edit Page Properties

To edit the page properties, click on the gear associated with the page. A new page will display where you can change the url, title, and/or page layout. Click "Save" to complete your changes.

Set as Home Page

In addition to changing page properties, you can change which page should be your home page. You can do this 2 different ways.

  1. On the page manager page, a button is there called "Set as Home Page", simply click on that button and confirm it.
  2. On the page manager page, click on the associated gear button for the page, on that page you can change the title, url, template and set that page as the home page.

Delete Pages

To delete a page, go to the page manager, each site has an associated red button with a trash symbol associated with it, click that button and confirm the deletion. NOTE: Deleting a page cannot be undone so be careful what you delete.